

Why Do You Make this Type of Art?

I don't even know why and how I started making art, I just love art. I’ve been making art ever since I can remember, and to me, there are no clear lines as to when it becomes art. But I saw the news about Zombie Zoo Keeper that summer last year and thought, "I want to do that too! So that’s how my journey begins.

What Does Your Artwork Represent?

First all of, what I’m mainly drawing is something called “Yao Yorozu no Kami” which means the deities or you might call them “gods” in Japan’s oldest writing called “Kojiki”. And I feel that unfortunately unlike other countries, many Japanese have fewer interests in mythology or history of their own country. But I believe that people can learn about who they are by being more familiar with them. There is a lot you can actually learn from to be able to find who you are.

And I also feel that many Japanese people nowadays are not grounded. Understanding our own fundamentals will make our core strong so I’m using the Kojiki as a theme and hopes that a lot of more people will have an interest in it. I also have other artworks that use some of the ancient things such as letters or words. I believe that these kinds of ancient things have some powers and I truly hope that those who choose my works will be blessed and happier.

What Does Your Art mean to you?

Express your own self. Create. Emotion, passion. Something that is enjoyable and cannot be stopped.

Why Did You Join the Project?

I was fascinated by the concept of sharing and spreading Japanese art to the world and also by the idea of Yokai. And I participated in this project because I wanted to create art that would convey a sense of Japanese history and culture to the rest of the world.


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