

Could you tell us a bit about your Yokai?

We (Woking with “Shinya Fukasawa”) painted a kappa. Kappa is funny, comical, and a little bit sexy. We wanted to create a character that would be loved, without being scary or creepy.

Why Do You Make this Type of Art?

Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of becoming an artist. I spent my days drawing on the back of calendars. I always loved to draw, so I went to art school. After graduation, I continued to draw pictures. Then we were able to publish a picture book. After that, we started getting more and more painting jobs. Because of the COVID pandemic and the war damage, we felt strongly that we wanted to have our paintings seen by people overseas. It was at this time that we learned about NFT Art through the magazine "Bijutsu Techo". We felt that with NFT Art, we could connect with the world. And now we realize that this was true.

What Does Your Artwork Represent?

We believe that through art we can be a catalyst for people to become aware of peace. Suppose we could paint something important (the heart) that is invisible to the eye. Then, when people become aware of that important thing, they can be close to the hearts of others.

What Does Your Art mean to you?

I used to paint for myself, just to impress myself. When I saw the finished work, I felt as if I had obtained something very important. But now it is different. When we paint, we now want to make others happy and smile. For us, art is a practice for others. "Practice for others" is "altruistic". "Altruistic" is "Buddhism".

Why Did You Join the Project?

As I mentioned a little earlier, the magazine "Bijutsu Techo" featured people related to "3600YAKO". Therefore, I had longed to work with these people someday. So I am very happy to be here today. Thank you so much once again.


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